Veterans Day Event 2024
Next date: Monday, November 11, 2024 | 03:00 PM to 04:00 PM
Veterans Day 2024: A Legacy of Loyalty and Service
The City of Palo Alto and Stanford University are pleased to once again host a local Veterans Day Recognition Event on Monday, 11 November 2024 at 3:00pm to recognize the service and contributions of the Veterans of our U.S. Armed Forces. We encourage the local community to attend this special event, especially our local Veterans.
We are partnering with a number of organizations and institutions including:
Stanford University
Stanford University Office of Military-Affiliated Communities
Palo Alto American Legion Post 375
Military Officers Association of America
Blue Star Moms of the South Bay
Veterans have made and continue to make valuable contributions to our community, and we encourage you to join us at this event to demonstrate your support of these great Americans. All are invited to attend.
Highlights of the event include:
Keynote Speaker: Congresswoman Anna Eshoo
Guest speakers: City of Palo Alto Mayor, Greer-Stone, and Stanford University Vice President and Chief External Relations Officer, Martin Shell
South Bay Blue Star Moms will present a quilt to World War II Veteran Ernestine, "Ernie" Faxon, an American Legion member and third generation Palo Altan
Stanford University Department of Music soloist Nova Jiménez
A reception follows in the MacArthur Park Restaurant. Enjoy hors d'oeuvres, cake, and company with other attendees.
Event Parking.
Parking is available in the adjacent parking lots to the Mac Arthur Park.
Event Flyer.
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